Entitlements after taking retirement.


Registered User
Hi, I will be taking early retirement in December and will have a small weekly pension, am I entitled to social welfare for 12 months or it could be job seekers allowance, I am unsure which is which, and how much per week do I get back ? any help would be great thanks.
If you've been paying A class PRSI contributions, then you can apply for Jobseeker's Benefit which will be based on those contributions. After 12 months, you could apply for Jobseeker's Allowance which would be means tested.

To apply for either, you must be available for and be looking for full time work.

The current rate of Jobseeker's Benefit is €188 pw, with additional payments for spouse/partners and children (depending on circumstances).

Have a read of the sticky post at the top of this forum for information on applying for Jobseeker's.