Enquiry to the mods

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Registered User
Would it be possible for someone to tell me why my posting, from I think around Dec 28/29, was removed from this thread?

My posting read:
"maybe you ate too much turkey!!!!"

While I have never queried the people who run this board before I am querying it now. I know you can say you don't have to give any reasons but I'd appreciate it to be told...
It was deleted because it added nothing to discussion of the original genuine query posed.
to be totally honest with you, the tone of this board has become more and more self righteous. if I wanted a 100% deadly serious humourless input and output I'd go somewhere else. But this place is fast becoming that.
My post was deleted without informing me, my post asking why it was deleted without informing me. Thats some lack of manners to show to someone who posts here pretty damn frequently. I put my money where my mouth was last year when Brendan asked for contributions towards the running. And I'd expect just a little bit of manners in return.

And I might add without being smart, that at least 50% of the contensiouos issues on this board invariably involve your good self clubman. So getting off ones high horse springs to mind to be perfectly frank.
Have you checked to see if your post was really really relevant to the original query?
A lot of what Legend99 says is true though!
legend99 said:
to be totally honest with you, the tone of this board has become more and more self righteous. if I wanted a 100% deadly serious humourless input and output I'd go somewhere else. But this place is fast becoming that.
As Brendan often says if anybody doesn't like the AAM posting guidelines/editorial policy/moderation policy then they are free to find or start another bulletin board that better suits their needs.

My post was deleted without informing me, my post asking why it was deleted without informing me. Thats some lack of manners to show to someone who posts here pretty damn frequently.
See the editorial policy:
I put my money where my mouth was last year when Brendan asked for contributions towards the running. And I'd expect just a little bit of manners in return.
Just as there was no onus on people to make a contribution there was no quid pro quo asked for or given in exchange for contributions that were made by anybody towards the running costs. If you are really dissatisfied then I'm sure that you could ask Brendan for a refund.

And I might add without being smart, that at least 50% of the contensiouos issues on this board invariably involve your good self clubman. So getting off ones high horse springs to mind to be perfectly frank.
I'm not sure what prompted that particular non sequitur or what getting on or off anybody's high horse has to do with the matter in hand but note that I simply gave you the reason for the deletion of your post above so please observe and desist from attacking me irrelevantly.

As per the editorial policy quoted above no further discussion of this issue will be undertaken so I am closing the thread. If anybody is still not satisfied then feel free to heed Brendan's oft quoted advice to disgruntled contributors as summarised by me above.
1) It is obvious to any reasonable observer (including yourself) why your original post was deleted. It added nothing to the conversation and was mildly offensive to the original poster. It was literally 'toilet humour'.

2) Moderators have better things to do with their time than to send notifications about every moderated post. In fact, we have many better things to do with our time than to get into these kinds of debates at all, which is why we have our policy of not entering into discussion on editorial decisions.

3) Despite knowing both the content of the post and our editorial policy, you chose to post twice seeking an explanation for the deletion. To me, this makes it difficult to take your 'expect a little bit of manners' claim too seriously.

4) Your contribution towards the running costs of AAM in the past does not give you any entitlement to special treatment. If you want a refund of your contribution, just ask.

5) Moderators moderate. That's what we do. Take it or leave it. Don't expect us to tip-toe around with nice personalised explanations for every moderation decision. If you prefer a free-for-all type environment, shift over to p45.net or other similar forums.

If you have any further concerns, please take it up with Brendan by PM. Any further public postings on this issue will be deleted. Thread closed.
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