Enlarging ring


Registered User
Does anyone know somewhere in Dublin where I can get my wedding ring enlarged? Unfortunately the fingers have grown over the years along with the girth, and it's become a bit of a battle to get it on and off.
It's either that, or I'll have to go on a serious diet, and I know which is the more attractive option.
Any decent jewellers should be able to do this for you. I'd recommend Vincent O'Neill aka Goldfinger in an upstairs premises on South Anne Street, Dublin 2.
Yes any decent jeweller will do it for you and if you take it back to where you purchased it they may even do it for free.
I had to get my ring made smaller and my jeweller was more than happy to do it for me.
I'm sure most jewellers are happy to reduce a ring for little or no cost because the gold removed covers some of the cost! An enlargement is a different matter..
Jewellers will usually only increase the size by a small amount as it can weaken the strength. If its yellow gold 18ct could be costly enuf. Men's rings were/are usually 9ct (stronger/harder wearing gold).