English Bull Terrier next door, should I be concerned?

It's simple with dogs, they need excercise, love and respect. Like us all I guess, but if they get that then you don't really have to worry about it.
I had both dogs out one day walking and a man with a stick was really mad interested to saying hello to them, they were busy running and smelling and had no intention of stopping. He asked me was it because he had a stick, were they afraid of him. I had to tell him no it wasn't because my dogs have never felt a stick and so have no fear of one.

I hate to see anything mistreated, but if you neighbour loves his dog and it is walked often then I'd bet it's a fine dog.

Anyway good luck,
Just to make a few quick points.
1. If the dog is male it is more likely to be dangerous than a bitch. Even a neutred dog can be more threathening.
2. There is no law against leaving a dog even a large one alone in a confined space all day but it is cruel & unfair. Most dogs left like this get bored & rebellious.
3. All dogs have their own territory & protect it to varying degrees. WHere that "territory" begins & ends depends on the dog so don't just think that the neighbours house & garden are the limits.
4. Introducing the dog to your kids in a controlled manner to get a reaction is a good idea.