Engine oil turned to gunk



I would really appreciate some advice my tempreture light came on while driving my 97 vento took a look and my engine oil has turned into something that can only be described as korma can any one advise.
could be head gasket, especially when the temperature got high, if the head gasket is gone water mixes with the oil. head gasket trouble was never an issue with volkswagons doh!
I was thinking that myself but its never had any trouble before thanks for that
more than likely it's a Head Gasket.

Water into oil = pale mayonnaise gunk under the oil cap.
Car overheating as no coolant anymore (it's in the oil !).

Next thing will be a plume of white smoke out the exhaust...

Time for a garage methinks...don't drive it if you can.
97 vento time to see a scrap yard.

Not worth spending money on the engine I think.

Moments silence for the fallen Vento time to move on.