Engine making "chirping" sound after NCT

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Registered User
Had my NCT today and my car (Ford Focus) passed. However on the drive home the engine was making a sound I can describe best, but not well, as chirping. I had the car serviced earlier in the week and had driven it about 100km since then and there was no such noise.

Engine seems to be running well, no excess revs or sluggishness but it's strange that this sound has just appeared since the NCT. Anything I should worry about?
When they were checking your emissions, they probably left one of the canaries behind.

An ordinary household cat should see you right.
When they were checking your emissions, they probably left one of the canaries behind.

An ordinary household cat should see you right.

Dr M - That's briliant. I was thinking of something the same when I saw the thread title, but not anything as good as that.

Thanks for all the helpful posts :( If it's still making that noise tomorrow I'll have to take it back to the garage. I've had the car 4 years, never made the sound before so I know it's not normal.
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