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When do you actually tell people you are engaged?

Is it when she has accepted or only when you have the ring? I was thinking that you wait until the ring is bought?

Any help?
Every situation is different... I know three couples, announced they were engaged, and it was a couple of months before they got the ring. One couple still don't have a ring...

My h2b - proposed to me, but had the ring - we announced pretty much as sooon as we seen everyone... Personally I would prefer to have the ring with the proposal!

Good luck whatever you do...
I dont think there are any hard and fast rules.

I got engaged but didnt get the ring til a week or so later - we waited to announce it to family etc until I had the ring. But if for any reason there was going to be a longer delay between proposal and ring Id say we would have told.
I got the ring a week later due to ordering the size, however we told everyone our intentions the day we decided
good tip if you are buying a ring is to get the lady a manicure because she will be wanting to have her nails done before she can show off the ring
Thanks Guys - I am not too bothered either way so I think I will let her decide (god - it has started already!! )