Engagement Rings



Hi Guys,

Just a quick thing I am going out with my girlfriend now for just over 7 years! I am 24 she is 25, I love the girl with all my heart put I was let go from work at the end of November last year have been trying to get back into the workforce but no luck! I have also started a night course to keep me going and finished it last week with top marks! My Girlfriend is training to be a gaurd at the moment and only has a few months training left! I want to buy my girlfriend a engagement ring but I seriously don't have much money as I have no job! But I am saving and have about 400 euro saved and I would be looking at getting another 200-300. Does anyone know if there is anywhere in Galway that they would recommend by any chance! Thanks for all your help!
Magicface, we were looking recently (although with a larger budget) and found cara diamonds in briarhill the best supplier with some of the best quality diamonds around. I'm not sure what is available within your budget but would highly suggest a visit there before any purchase. We failed to make a deal as Anywerpor Dubai is more attractive which is now been researched and planned :p
Have you considered ebay? there are some gorgeous vintage diamond engagement rings on there that are reasonably priced. Also, an engagement ring doesn't have to be diamond. Lots of people get other precious stones such as sapphire, ruby or emerald. You'd have more choices with your budget. Best of luck!