Engagement presents


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hi all,

good friends of mine just got engaged..any suggestions on a pressie?

dont want to give them the usual wine glasses, new bridge silver crap that they'll through in a drawer or pass on to someone else...
and dont want to spend too much money cos wedding is in a few months and there'll be more expense there! any ideas?
A lot of the drinks websites offer the chance to personalise a bottle of wine or champagne with a photo and/or a message?
Hi Shola, Why not give them a voucher for an engagement photo! my daughter got one from a friend and just loved it!
Given that the wedding is going to be soon enough I would be of the thinking of putting the money you would spent on the engagement present towards the wedding present and getting something really luxurious. I have done this in the past _ kinda bunched housewarming, engagement and wedding present together to get something very decent.
People get some many small presents which end up pretty worthless.

Bottle of something though to share with them and acknowledge is good.
we just recently got engaged and got loads of great present. we have been in our house over a year so i'm sure people struggled to come up with ideas! anyway here is a sample of what we got:

nespresso coffee maker(very extravagent but very much appreciated)
photo frame
post office vouchers.
champagne glasses and loads of champers!
pictures. (by a local photographer of places that mean a lot to us)
vouchers for different restuarants around town.
we also got a suprise dinner out for two of us! we were picked up and dropped off at a lovely restaurant, told to order what we wanted. she had champers organised for us and had asked the chef to write congrats on your engagement on our plate!!

hope that helps!!!
When i got engaged didn't expect any presents as wedding was only a few months away. Got several anyhow really thought restaurant voucher was a good one......
I reckon niceoneted has the best idea. I didn't get many engagement gifts, even though I was engaged for over a year before getting married. Then again, I didn't actually expect to get gifts. I was perfectly happy getting cards from my family and friends, just acknowledging the occasion. Put your money towards a decent wedding pressie instead.
I think engagement present's are only expected when they are throwing an engagement party. Anything is appreciated even newbridge!
voucher for dinner - when they are saving for wedding stuff they will be glad of a posh dinner on you!

I got a number of chachki, for lack of a better word, for my engagement.
If they're getting married soon enough, get them something small, under €40, to acknowledge that they got engaged. Maybe ornate chopsticks and a sushi plate? See what Oxfam home has to offer. Even if they're not in love with it, at least some of the money went to a good cause.

www.confetti.ie has a section in the pink pages dedicated to gifts. It's a wedding site so you know it'll be relevant.

Best of luck!
We had an engagement party and we got:

- 3 Silver photo frames (which we love)
- Heart shaped silver salt and pepper shakers (ridiculous!)
- Louise Kennedy brandy glasses (neither one of us drinks brandy!)
- 20 bottles of champagne (neither one of us drinks champagne)
- Horrible silver star and crescent shaped candle holders (horrible!)
- Gorgeous Newbridge silverware tealight tray or something to that effect
- concert tickets for a band neither one of us have heard of

I got a lovely oil on canvas for a friend's engagement and a floor lamp for another friend's engagement.

It's really difficult as even people who know both of us well gave us stuff we wouldn't get ourselves (it's not that we are not grateful) when a nice card would be sufficient. If they insisted on getting us something, dinner voucher or those One4All vouchers would have been perfect. Instead we're stuck with champagne that will never be drank, glasses will be flogged to somebody else and all those silver yokes will be kept as they came from family.

Wow - I wonder did your friends that you purchased the oil on canvas and the lamp for have the same taste as you? I know I probably wouldn't have thanked you for either - but hey that's the whole thing about taste....your friends and family bought you presents that you didn't like and you bought other people presents. I just think it interesting that you would have liked a dinner voucher or a one4all voucher and yet that's not what you decided to purchase for others - instead imposed your taste on the individual....and not even something small like salt and pepper shakers that can be hidden away.

By the way - you sound ungrateful - despite saying you're not.
What do you give as an engagement present to a couple who don't live together and won't be living together for a few years?
Hi Shola, How about a set of bed linen? Great prezzie for a new start in a new house perhaps ?! www.luxurybamboolinen.com do a gorgeous range of environmentally friendly bamboo bed linen, they'll gift wrap it and deliver it too. Got a set myself and cannot recommend it enough !!