Enduring Power of Attorney - Solicitor availability


Registered User
There seems to be some dispute at present between the Law Society and the Decision Support Services in relation to setting up an Enduring Power of Attorney. Some solicitors seem to be completing them where others are not. Would anybody have the name of a Solicitor who is completing them in the Dublin area? What are the costs involved in completing the EPA?
I promise that this is not a dig at Siucra05; Maybe a slightly jaded general observation.

You were on AAM in October 2023 trying to find a good consumer-issue solicitor
You were on in October 2022 enquiring about the new EPA process
You were on in December 2021 enquiring about the cost of setting up an EPA for yourself and your wife
You were on in July 2021 getting feedback on the costs you had been quoted for your Aunt's probate.
You were on in December 2019 when you were updating your own will and also enquiring about Enduring Powers of Attorney

Now there is nothing wrong or abnormal about any of the above. No dig. Honestly.

But if you have a chance to find a decent solicitor and cultivate a good working relationship with that solicitor, you will have the comfort of knowing that you have a go-to guy, or gal, for all of your legal problems.

(NOTE: I am a practising solicitor, but I post anonymously on AAM and I do not take any referrals through the website).

Whenever I make an argument along these lines, I feel that someone is about to jump out and accuse me of promoting the 'cosy legal cartel'


I am advocating for a principle that is not by any means unique to the process of procuring and consuming legal services.

There is likewise nothing wrong or abnormal with taking the 'approved Bord Gais list' and getting a price from three boilerwomen each year, before getting your boiler serviced.

All the same, when a boiler claps out in Christmas week, you will be an awful lot happier if you have a go-to gal for all of your boiler needs.