Encrypted Recording (voice and or video)


Registered User
Can you get an encrypted SD Memory card that will be compatible with normal devices?

I want to record personal data and send it to someone but for my own protection I need to ensure that it is encrypted as I record it. A laptop is too big and cumbersom, so I was hoping to use a smaller recording device.

Any suggestions out there?

I need something that will be encrypted as it is recorded. having to perform a task afterwards to encrypt the data is no good for my purposes.

I therefore need a device that does this OR a device that uses a memory card (where the memory card is already encrypted) ....

Does TrueCrypt allow me to encrypt a standard SD Memory card used by the likes or a digital video camera or recording device?
It can encrypt the disk but the camera couldn't use it. As you need to run the software to access it. Dunno any camera that does this. You could use a wifi camera to computer with an encypted disk. Perhaps there's specialist security systems that do what you ask.
However you manage it, and portable digital devices with encrypt / decrypt technology are rare and expensive if they exist , presumably you will need the same technology available to the recipient in order to decrypt.

One remote possibility may be the new Apple iPhone 3G S, which combines audio, video and still recording and some add-on technology from the AppStore? Its not available in Ireland yet (not listed for sale on O2, Carphonewarehouse, etc).
Actually, any Windows Mobile 6.1 Pro device that can accept SD cards should be able to encrypt the file system on it, as the feature is provided by the OS itself.
Encrypt, record, unplug and send. Person on the other end will have to decrypt hence have the encryption key you used.
hope it helps.
Maybe a phone is the way to do. I see my Nokia E71 has this option to encrypt memory card and phone memory.

nmesisca, that sounds like the approach I'm looking for, can you please expand on this theory with as little jargon as possible! Any examples, any retaillers I can make enquiries to?

As a start-point here's a list of all Pocket PCs & Smartphones shipped / available in Ireland with Windows Mobile 6.1 Pro pre-installed. The list includes all brands and all providers -