The public sector is made up of three fairly distinct parts each of which offer different pension (superannuation) arrangements. Which section has offered you the 5 year contract?
These are as follows:
The Civil Service
The Broader Public Service (which includes Guards, Teachers, Nurses, Local Authorities, IT's, Non Commercial Semistate agencies etc)
Commercial SemiState Organisations (ie ESB, Bord Gas etc)
The schemes differ in terms of contribution and benefits. Most but not all are DB (Defined Benefit Schemes). Comparing a DB scheme with a DC (Defined Contribution Scheme) is a complex and difficult thing to do.
However I know some Commercial Semi-State Organisations offer DC schemes to recent employees especially to employees who are realtively mobile and are engaged on fixed term contracts. In some cases cases I know that the (commercial semistate) company matches your contribution up to 8%. and that they gross up this payment in terms of a pension allowance. It is then up to you to make your own PRSA arrangements.
In summary you need to know the precise pension offering in the Public Sector Organisation in terms of contribution and benefits before you can compare this with the PRSA arrangement suggested by your employer.