Employee security reference


Registered User
i am about to offer somebody a job in my company but one thing i would like to do is get a security check done on the person ie. to make sure there is no history of a criminal record, i dont want the in's and out's of what may or may not have happened in this persons past but if they have been convicted of say theft for example id like to know i can trust the people i will employ, anyway who do i contact or what road must i go down to get this done?
Have you told them as part of the interview process that you will be conducting background/security checks? You may open yourself to litigation if you haven't.
Good point above. Also, what is the nature of your business? Generally finance and children related roles use such checks - i.e. have you a valid purpose for the check or is it simply something you would like. I've also heard that such checks can take a long time - can you wait that long?
you could just ask the person to supply a clearance letter from the gaurds, they can get one from the HQ at a cost of 7 euro i think, i needed one for work one time as i needed to be airside at an airport, easy enough process for he applicant, just states they have a clean record