Spear - re my price rise claim. Briefly as time against me..
- It would have been more accurate for me to have said that the recent house sales in that area are about 10% above last year's lowest prices.
That is, the low, or the "the bottom", was reached end of last year, and in the last six months there has been an increase in certain hotspots in the actual selling prices of houses which now represent an average increase of 10% above the lowest time.
However, this does not represent an annual increase June 2011-June 2012 because of the big drop during last year which is slowly being retrieved this year. This price increase, of course, could stop or go back into reverse.
But even with my clarification of what i meant - how do I make such a claim for this area ?
I live here and closely following asking prices and try to obtain agreed prices. Anecdotally -and it's hard to get published figures until the accurate forthcoming offical database system arrives - I gather that last year's asking prices meant, in reality, that agreed figures were anything from 10% to 15% lower.
This year asking prices -even if they are lower than this time last year - have been attained and exceeded with several bidders surpassing the asking price figures.
For example, if a house asking price was €450k last year and a similar house is asking €430k this year , last year's house may have only achieved €420k whereas now it may achieve € 450k or more.
I have seen this three times in my road in the last few months (and I don't want give my address) and , again anecdotally, am hearing it from friends and neighbours across the area. And that's without listening to auctioneers' hyperbolic claims. And,as I said, I'm a keen follower of property prices.
Incidentally, It's not just this area that is seeing price rises -it's happening in many parts of suburbia , not only SCD.
However, none of the above is "proof", until proper stats come out, though i do note that the last two months CSO did show small increases in Dublin prices.Their next figures are out in a week for May. If this shows another increase for Dublin then it would mean the trend is upward -so far.
It would be interesting if anyone else is selling in certain areas of Soouth and to get their comments...