Emergency Tax


Registered User
I started a job a few months ago and stayed for only about nine weeks. While I was there I was on emergency tax (I'd just returned to Ireland after many years abroad). Now I've setup a limited company so my income will come from there. How to I claim back the tax I'm likely owed as a result of the nine weeks of emergency tax?
Lauren said:
How to I claim back the tax I'm likely owed as a result of the nine weeks of emergency tax?

Best thing to do is wait until the end of the year and submit P45 together with P60 from your own company(if any) to Revenue and get refund from there.
Write to Revenue outlining details of your earnings and deductions to date and your current situation and they should sort it out for you.

Post crossed with previous one.
Ham Slicer said:
Best thing to do is wait until the end of the year and submit P45 together with P60 from your own company(if any) to Revenue and get refund from there.

If you are a director of a limited company then you are supposed to make a tax return under self assessment for yourself. It is not as simple as just sending in your P45 and P60 in January - you will have to wait until you get the Form 11 from revenue before you can submit your claim. Going on past experience from revenue it could be April or May before these forms are available.
But just cos she is a company director and must indeed fill in a Form 11, not actually due until Oct 2007, that should not preclude her from applying for a balancing statement early in the new year. As long as she has the P45 from her intitial job and the P60 from her own company can she not apply for the balancing statement as a normal individual? Alternatively, can she not deduct the excess tax from that due on her monthly PAYE salary, I imagine any decent payroll software could do this. (BTW this is all uninformed speculation).
Glenbhoy said:
But just cos she is a company director and must indeed fill in a Form 11, not actually due until Oct 2007, that should not preclude her from applying for a balancing statement early in the new year. As long as she has the P45 from her intitial job and the P60 from her own company can she not apply for the balancing statement as a normal individual?

Someone who commences self employment in 2005 does not have to make a return until Oct 2007. But if someone was due a tax refund and knew about it in early 2006, why wait another 18 months before claiming it? The only way for a company director to receive a balancing statement is to complete form 11.
Good point, and as she has no additional liability as the company has only started trading, there's no benefit in waiting before filing.