Embarrassing situation re legal ack sent to incorrect solicitor


Registered User
Hello, has anyone ever heard or had something posted to the woring address by a lender.

Bank of Scotland recently posted my loan pack to an incorrect solicitor. They sent it to the solicitor who dealt with my partners property last time he bought. We decided not to use him this time as he was a) expensive adn b) verrry slow. This solicitor then sends us a letter thanking us for out business and look forwrd to seeing us in the future. I contacted out broker who said they would fix it but now we have to ring the other solicitor and explan what happened and that we arent giving him business, how embarassing and uneeded!

Whine over!!
Unfortunately, it happens all too often. But someone somewhere told the Bank who it was to be sent to.

A polite notelet/card to the solicitor just saying Bank error and someone else is acting would be polite but is probably not actually necessary if broker contacts them and explains situation.

Mistakes happen. I don't really see what the problem is here. I certainly see no cause for embarrassment on your part. It's your prerogative to take your conveyancing business where you like. You don't have to explain yourself to the former solicitor. If you really feel strongly about this complain to the lender.
Our bank sent our mortgage confirmation to a completely different lender as well. I simply called up and spoke to receptionist and informed them it was an error, no problem I guess it happens often enough!
