Email viruses


Registered User
Is it possible to get a virus from an email only by opening the email, i.e not opening any attachments, just viewing the email? I use outlook to view my Hotmail emails and am wondering if it is possible that I can infect my computer just by opening an email from my Junk Mail folder? (attachments, pictures etc are normally blocked from opening when I open an email from junk mail email, is this safe enough?)
Yes - spam emails may contain HTML code which causes nefarious components (e.g. ActiveX, Java applets) or scripts (e.g. Javascript, VBScript etc.) to run which could infect or disrupt your computer in some cases. You should switch off your email preview pane (if applicable) and only open emails that are known to be safe. Obviously you should also run a good virus scanner, adware/parasite scanner and a firewall and keep them updated and suitably configured.
My e-mail has gone beserk - if I send a single e-mail to a client, it sends 30 or 40 copies and blocks their mail boxes.

Does anyone know if this could be a virus and, if so, what can I do to fix it?

I've run Adaware and Norton anti-virus with the latest updates and they are both clear. I don't know where else to look.

Please help!!!

Hi ClubMan, I had a look at the clean pc thread, but have no idea what I am dealing with or which of the recommended programmes to download.

Does it sound like a worm or a virus? Norton is not picking anything up - I'm just hoping someone has had the same experience and can tell me what to download.

Hi ClubMan, I had a look at the clean pc thread, but have no idea what I am dealing with or which of the recommended programmes to download.

Does it sound like a worm or a virus? Norton is not picking anything up - I'm just hoping someone has had the same experience and can tell me what to download.

That thread explains (or links to explanations on) how to deal with various sorts of problems with viruses, trojans, malware etc. If you don't understand it then you should probably think about getting professional assistance with your PC problems. Otherwsie you could just compound the problem.
I had a look at the clean pc thread, but have no idea what I am dealing with or which of the recommended programmes to download.

Generally speaking anti virus products are fairly easy to operate, I prefer McAfee personally it costs about €40 per year for a personal computer.

You might also find the following resource useful on tips on how to avoid spam

If your are looking for a professional firm to sort out your PC - computer support

Carl ( Staff )
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Hi ClubMan, I had a look at the clean pc thread, but have no idea what I am dealing with or which of the recommended programmes to download.

Does it sound like a worm or a virus? Norton is not picking anything up - I'm just hoping someone has had the same experience and can tell me what to download.


Lots of people recommend AVG antivirus (they also do anti-spyware)
It can be downloaded free.

I have also found AdwareAway very useful for picking up problems that others haven't - a trial version is free I think (or at least it used to be)

Note, that's AdwareAway not AdAware.