Email sending problem

Ron J

Registered User
I use Windows Live Mail. I am unable to send emails from my IOL account. Getting the following error message

The connection to the server has failed.
Subject 'test'
Server: ''
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0E
Protocol: SMTP
Port: 25
Secure(SSL): No
Socket Error: 10013

I can recieve emails. I have tried numerous things - deleted the account and set up a new account, registery scan, antivirus check, firewall check, changed ports. Nothing appears to work.

Has anyone encountered this problem ?
Did you change your broadband connection recently?

Have you tried setting the SMTP server to that of your broadband ISP?

The following are the correct servers that might relate to your broadband:

vodafone -
eircom -
magnet -
imagine -
BT -

Once you are connected to the right ISP, you should be able to send any mail through their SMTP server...

If yours isn't listed above then just google "SMTP + <NAME OF ISP>" and you'll find it quick enough.

Service providers block mail that doesn't go through their own servers in an attempt to stop spammers using infected machines to send loads of spam through. This has the effect that mail won't get through even though all the settings look OK.

Similar problems here:

At post number 2055250172 (sorry not allowed to post URLS)
