Email problem - Yahoo not remembering login


Registered User
When logging on to Yahoo there is a box which says, remember me on this computer.
I always tick the box yet I still have to put in all the information next time around.
The 'remember me' facility is not working.
I have Windows and Internet Explorer but I think this is probably a Yahoo problem.
Any ideas?
Do you mean:
Keep me signed in
(Uncheck if on a shared computer)


This, as I understand, only is of use if you are logged into the page for the duration of that login. If you close your browser - your browser settings may clear your cache/cookies & thus yahoo's ability to get the information to "remember you". If you sign out, then you have to sign back in.

Can you give more details in relation to
next time around.
Almost certainly a local cookie issue, and not a Yahoo problem.

Check your browser security settings. What version of IE are you using?

When you're on the Yahoo page, check out View->Webpage Privacy Policy. Does it say Cookies Accepted?

What are your Privacy settings under the Tools->Internet Options tab?

I've edited your title, please help others help you by using more meaningful titles.
Thanks to you both I have solved the problem. In Internet Explorer 8 I had ticked the box on Disable Cookies. I've now cleared it and everything's fine again.

I'll try to use better titles in future, Leo.
Beware of doing this on Yahoo, I've been hacked by them too often. They advise to always log out completely.

My friends keep getting e-mails from me offering me to sell them new PCs and iPods.