Email infected


Registered User
Dont know if this is the right word but my email sent some nasty stuff to some of the people in my directory as if the email originated from me. I am told i should change my password. Being ignorant of such matters i am tempted to close it entirely as it is rather embarrassing.
This is far more commonplace than you would think. Carry out a full virus scan of your system. Then a malware scan (malware bytes - download it - it's freeware). Make sure both are updated before you run them.

Then change your email password.
Thanks for the the past i had the habit of clicking the Password box "keep me signed in". I suppose this may it easier for what happened and i should stop this practice?
Definitely stop that practice dewdrop. Otherwise you might as well leave your keys in your front door too!
thanks i only email rarely would deleting my contacts make it safer. I can record in my manual diary the email addresses of the people i might email. Would deletion of the contact box prevent any possible further sending of fake emails to these addresses?
@ dewdrop - that's inconveniencing yourself to a level that should not be necessary. Just be careful what sites you surf to - and keep running those scans from time to time.