Email difficulties


Registered User
Just wondering if you have a virus on your email account and it sent on emails without your knowledge would it only send one email to a contact or would it send more?
Scenario person a receives an email from person b, it has an attachment which is an article about working from home. Person a thinks it is a dig at her as she is currently off work and in midst of making complaint about person b. Person B says she did not have an anti virus and the computer sent the email and that several of her friends also received the email. However she was not aware of this until the complaint about it was made. I would have thought that if your computer was doing this and I know it can happen that it would send several emails to your contacts not just one. I also cannot understand how she was not aware of it, that her friends did not query why they got the email. I suppose I want to know if it is technically possible for it to happen int he way she said because it appears very fishy!
I suppose I want to know if it is technically possible for it to happen int he way she said because it appears very fishy!
Is it technically possible? Yes.

Is it a bit fishy? Probably yes.

She probably got the idea from the judge who got away with blaming certain things on computer viruses. Very difficult to prove for sure one way or other, without investing huge technical resources.