email address query


Registered User
Is there an easy way to find out when an email address was created?
I presume you're trying to fins out when someone else's address was created, in which case no, there isn't.
every domain worldwide is supposed to be registered to an individual or company - eg if it's a .ie domain you can get the registered owners details from the iedr, if however it is a global domain like or you have little or no chance of getting any of those details without a court order.

if you don't know how to lookup a domain drop me a pm with the domain and i can send you the details.
every domain worldwide is supposed to be registered to an individual or company - eg if it's a .ie domain you can get the registered owners details from the iedr, if however it is a global domain like or you have little or no chance of getting any of those details without a court order.

if you don't know how to lookup a domain drop me a pm with the domain and i can send you the details.

Thanks, it's a hotmail address and really not worth the bother, I just thougt if it was a case of looking up properties or something. It's not particularly important anyway
The authorities did it to track the guy who rigged a fake bomb around the neck of an Australian girl:
the police determined that the Gmail account had been established on 30 May at an internet protocol address linked to Chicago Airport.
Full story HERE