Electricity Monitoring and Control


Registered User
I am looking for stuff to monitor our electricity usage and to allow me to control devices.

Ideally, I want to be able to set up intelligent power plans and to be able to manage and override those via home network and also remotely over the internet. I have Windows computer and Android phone. I am not an Apple user.

In terms of monitoring I am happy to pay for half a dozen devices that I will migrate about the house to build up a picture and then I can focus in on the top culprits and do up a plan.

Any suggestions?
I had looked at these from Belkin earlier this year but never followed up with a purchase. They can be monitored and controlled via a smartphone

[broken link removed]
LightwaveRF is another option. They have a wider range of modules available including sockets, light switches, inline relays, heating controls, etc.

I have a few of them and they work well. The new app works well, you can set up moods, sequences, etc.