Electric Clothes Horse with Timer


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Just wondering has someone got a Electric clothes horse and what would they advise to look out for if buying, I see some come with a hood which I take it makes the drying process quicker.Looking at below on Amazon that allows you to control by phone, I have 3 young women in my house and the amount of hanging clothes around the house and on manual clothes horse to to been winter , also have tumble dryer but need to be at home to use this. Thinking could just leave this on during day at sets times, Newstalk had person on this morning stating it is 14 Cent to run an hour which seems great.

I think you’d be better off with a couple of regular clothes horses in a small, warm space (if you have one) and a dehumidifier. Ultimately, even heated clothes horses rely on the ability of the surrounding air to absorb the moisture.
We got a dry soon linked below. I really like mine they come in different sizes and at the time we has to go up to Lakeland in Belfast to get it Amazon were not shipping here. The wheels for the feet and a thing you zip up around it are extra. I do not have a tumble dryer and I do find it good. Don’t use it unless we are overladen with laundry the rest of the time its just a clothes horse.

That all said we have a garage I personally am adverse to drying wet clothes in the house. I know that needs must but I think this is something you need to be careful about in terms of moisture and respiratory health. Just my experience with similiar,

We use a Meaco dehumidifer for the same purpose and it is excellent in the winter . Ideally you would have it in a smallish room with the clothes horse. It also covers off the moisture issue.

I second the dehumidifier suggestion. When I'm forced to dry laundry indoors it's amazing the amount of moisture that it extracts. Ditto when cooking certain dishes or when the bathroom is in high demand!