Electoral Register Change of Address


Registered User
Hi guys,

Just wondering if someone could clarify a detail about the electoral register for me. I recently moved address from one local authority to another & I've printed off the necessary change of address form through citizensinformation.ie. However, both the form & that site are a bit confusing as regards who I contact & send the form to.

As I'm moving from one registration authority to another do I send the completed form to my new authority asking to be placed on their electoral register or to my old authority asking to be removed from theirs? Secondly, there's a section on the form that has to be filled in by a Garda, but it's not clear whether that has to be in my new area or my old one or even if that's relevant.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I want to be sure I'm properly registered in case there's an election soon.
I had a look at www.checktheregister.ie

The form you need to fill in is the RFA3 (change of address), and once it's signed by the Garda (which can be anywhere it appears), send it to the Council/Local Authority which you've moved from. They delete your name from the register and forward the details to the new council for inclusion on the register at your new address.