Election poster on my property


Registered User
The local SF outfit have put up a election poster on a ESB pole on my property. They did not have my permission and I am embarrassed to say the least to be associated with them. I currently have a firearms licence application pending and I am afraid it would get refused if word got out.

Can I remove this poster myself?
I know there is some legislation allowing political candidates to put up their posters on poles ,but in your case i think someones taking the mick comming onto your land and erecting such a poster ,i know the e.s.b. and eircom,have a right to go on private land to repair poles /wires that were on the property before a certin date without owners permission but i dont think this extends to candidates helpers .i would complain to the local sinners office
You could always remove and claim innocence if approached. Plenty of election posters are defaced / removed over the course of a campaign.
You could always remove and claim innocence if approached. Plenty of election posters are defaced / removed over the course of a campaign.
Yea, but not the Shinners :eek: (Not saying that they are anything but above board; lovely people, all of them!)
I'd slip on a balaclava and remove it in the middle of the night, that way if they see you they will think you are one of their mates ;)
Yea, but not the Shinners :eek: (Not saying that they are anything but above board; lovely people, all of them!)
I'd slip on a balaclava and remove it in the middle of the night, that way if they see you they will think you are one of their mates ;)

Leave it up there, it could be a great burglar deterrent.

I knew a guy once who used to leave a copy of An Phoblacht in his car if he was parking in a dodgy area of Dublin.
I wouldn't hesitate to remove it immediately........Would do the same for any political party poster or advertising that was placed within my property boundary, ESB pole or not!
I wouldn't hesitate to remove it immediately........Would do the same for any political party poster or advertising that was placed within my property boundary, ESB pole or not!

You'll want to stay up the ladder when the Hiace pull up and the boys jump out wearing balaclavas and carrying baseball bats...
If it's on your property you can remove it. I asked a solicitor and they know everything about the law so they do.
When you take it down make sure you return it to the local Sinn Fein office as it still belongs to them.

Better still, get them to come and collect it.