Election as soon as possible?


Registered User
Interested to hear what others have to say on this.

Do you think we should clear the path and have a government with a mandate,etc?
Why is the message " for the sake of the country" being pushed so hard? Is there an agenda there?
Is there a subliminal message there?
I'm not sure that people have really picked up on what Cowen said last night but basically he was pushing out the election until after the Finance Bill has been fully passed, this could mean a late March election, not a January election as demanded by the Greens.

Cowen yet again speaking out of both sides of his mouth.
Either way, nice old message in terms of controlling finances given the expense of the dongeal election this week, only to have to do the whole thing again in a few weeks.
We were told that having the budget and a 4 year plan was by 7th December was to "stabilise the markets" that arguement no longer applies because we receiving a bail out and we won't be going to the markets.

What is the harm in electing a new government and allowing them introduce a new budget?
It seems to me that FF are pushing this through ( why ?)and the constant talk of being in the nations best interests,is a tad bizzare,coming from them..
We were told that having the budget and a 4 year plan was by 7th December was to "stabilise the markets" that arguement no longer applies because we receiving a bail out and we won't be going to the markets.

It doesn't matter that we won't be going to the markets - there is still instability in the markets and there will be until our budget and 4-year plan is finalised. The bail out and budget/4 year plan are inextricably linked and have an effect on the eurozone as a whole. Opposition parties screaming for an election at this critical time is undermining the whole process.