elderly relative has account cleared by friend

Hi niceoneted, thanks for the link - I have to wait for advice from the solicitor but that definitely looks relevant. I think I probably should report this as it would probably be wrong to allow this guy to inflict this on another elderly person.

This has taught me that you probably need to put provisions in place for money management in case you develop dementia. My aunt was so vulnerable but having never encountered this sort of thing before I didn't spot the need to get more involved. And I too was fooled by this guy.

Had a situation a few years back where the family noticed frequent withdrawals from an elderly relative's account. There was an obvious suspect (would have been classed as a friend) but we of course had no proof (no permission was given, in our case).

Went to the guards and they took it VERY seriously - the guard we dealt with was seriously ticked off and was saying they are seeing more of this.

You've got to move quickly - the withdrawals were all from the same ATM machine and the guards went in to look at the CCTV footage. With this particular bank, they keep their tapes on a rolling basis of a month (maybe it was two months) so the suspect was tied to a withdrawal twice in the time period that the bank had footage available. If we'd left it longer, the tapes would have been wiped.

Firstly u have my sympathy with this.We came across a very similar situation a couple of years ago with my wifes aunt who lived for many years on her own.It transpired that a male friend of the family had been visiting her regularly-great guy we all thought.What we did not know was that she had been writing cheques to him regularly>When it was discovered and he was approached he said they were loans.The family threatened to alert Revenue and also as he has a good responsible job-his employer .
In the end the matter was handled by the ladies solicitor and though she is now dead he is still -under threat of further legal intervention-having to make monthly repayments.
I wish u a similar successful outcome.
Sorry for the delayed response, only seeing those replies now. Thanks pnh and familyguy2 for the supportive posts, it helps. The guy was found on cctv footage but the credit union are saying she had provided a note so....
I have just reported it to the guards and they seemed to be genuinely going to do their best but I get the impression the note may make the situation too ambiguous to get this guy on. I bet he hasn't reported this "income" to the revenue. I may have to find a solicitor whose expertise lies in this area. Anybody have any recommendations? Thanks again.