Eircom.net connection

Nosey Joe

Registered User
Hi all, over the last few months I have noticed that my broadband connection speed has slowed right down , in so far that at times it is as slow as pre -broadband speed . Is this common or what can I do?
Are you sure it's your connection and not your PC (e.g. malware etc.) that is the problem? Have you checked the router connection and broadband throughput speed? Have you tried another (known clean) PC/laptop on the connection? Have you scanned your PC for malware etc. (see the "clean PC" sticky thread the the top of this forum)?
Personally I wouldn't recommend eircom to any of our customers - it pays to shop around especially if you are moving from one ISP to another you will find they are prepared to give decent deals to win you over, I switched from eircom to BT a couple of years ago and my phone calls, line rental & broadband total bill is the same as just my broadband cost with eircom.
NTL are giving fairly good deals as well at the moment with 2GB broadband and line rental bundled together for about 50% price on Eircoms 1GB broadband.
Eircom are one of the best broadband providers out there. The most likely culprit for the slowdown is contention. This happens when at first, there are few people on the same link from your local exchange, so everything zips along. As Eircom sell more and more broadband connections in your area, you are all sharing the same pipe, so the experience gradulally degrades for everyone.
Hi rang Eircom broadband support and was not too impressed! I was trying to listen to a person with broken English explain things to me and after 20 mins gave it up as a lost cause! I will get my comp tech to sort it out!
P.S. I have absolutely nothing against people with broken English I just think that they should have people we can understand.
I had this problem with a laptop. The delay was taking place during the DNS lookup (The www address is converted to an actual router address). In this case the actual downloads are quick but the delay is actually getting to the site. I suspected in my case something foul in terms of malware routing all my addresses to a foreign lookup service. Anyhow neither spyware or anti virus scans would fix. In the end I did a manual fix by going into control panel/ Network & dial up settings/Lan (or wireless)/properties/internet protocal and manually inserting DNS addresses (rather than automatic) which are available on the Eircom site somewhere. One problem with this in the case of a laptop is you may need to change these again if you use a different internet service provider at a different location or alternativaly you could set up a new network connection with the required properties & DNS settings.