Eircom good news story

Ceist Beag

Registered User
Just wanted to post something good about Eircom given they usually only get bad press! My phone was playing up so I raised a support request with Eircom on Sunday. On Monday someone called around to take a look but I was out and said I'd be around on Tuesday. Again on Tuesday they called around and it turned out (after he spent about an hour investigating between the house and the exchange) that it was caused by me kocking out a wire in the attic over the weekend!! He didn't charge me anything for wasting his time. So all in all a big thumbs up to him for helping out - it's nice when customer service is as good as this!
Glad things worked out for you.

I on the other hand have a fault which is, after some correspondence and 3 weeks, shall we say 'pending'. I'm not a happy customer - will update!
This is typical of Eircom. No consistency! It depends on who you meet or talk to on any given day. It shows that there is no direction and employees are left to make it up as they go along
Glad things worked out for you.

I on the other hand have a fault which is, after some correspondence and 3 weeks, shall we say 'pending'. I'm not a happy customer - will update!

Problem now fixed (so far).

It went roughly like this over a 3 week period:
  • Yes you have a problem - will send someone out.
  • No you don't have a problem - whoever said you did was wrong.
  • Well, you might have a problem but it's nothing to do with us.
  • Line is now fixed - don't know what the problem was!?
Great eh?