Eircom ESOP: when's our next windfall?

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are we defo not gettin anything in Nov. This is a joke the year people need this money the most we are not gettin it..
its more OUR FAULT then theirs because we keep letting them go without DEMANDING to know whats going on . THIS IS OUR MONEY we have a right to know
Everybody should ring them everyday bombard them with calls and E-MAILS starting from tomorrow, 20-10-09 and demand to know what is happening. And all post the replies we are getting here starting from tomorrow night. They are after all the ESOP HELP LINE and its about time they started answering our questions. They have already held onto most of our summer payout, and if they dont pay us anything this christmas it shows they are just laughing at us.
they just keep saying anything you want to know will be contained in esop 21 , but no sign of it yet .they wont give a straight answer if we are getting a payout or not . i wish i had the money to take a legal challenge to the way they are treating us . we should not be in this position . again i will say it THIS IS OUR MONEY . they work for us not the other way around , we have an absolute right to know . our christmas prosperity lies in the hands of a few *******s who will decide if santa is coming or not .
HI there
The esop 21 will not contain information on a payout - only info on the proposed takeover and the ballot. Information on a payout will be seperate and they will not give any information on that at the moment. If they want us to vote yes they really should offer a payout first

Where did you get this information from Grover?
Have you been told when we're going to receive the esop 21 and when we'll get notification about a payout?

What really, really bugs me is when some people have information about what's going on behind closed doors and then there's US MUGGS have to go begging for info.

I have been ringing this morning and have got the answering machine every time. I have also e.mailed them and am awiting a reply ( though i feel i will be left waiting) This is now in our hands they should be told by every single one of us we will vote NO to any ballot to invest OUR money into a new tale over bid, unless we are getting a christmas payout. Its time we started fighting back with these *******s
As far as most of the current Eircom staff are concerned - Ex-Eircom ppl shouldn't be entitled to a single penny of ESOP and it should be ripped out from underneath them and they shouldn't be allowed have an voting rights!! And anyway, what voting? There won't be ANY voting!! The STT deal is due to be finialised in the first week of December.

The lot of ye are like a pack of old women the way ye's go on!! So calm the **** down - ESOP letters will posted during November about money coming December!

I refer you all to my posting on 27-08-2009 - http://www.askaboutmoney.com/showpost.php?p=922358&postcount=306

Maybe I'm reading your post wrong - but you come across as a very angry person Eircomlifer. I don't give two hoots what present employees in Eircom think - That comment has no relevence to the current topic being discussed.
I do beleive we will have to VOTE - wheather the final outcome of the vote is taken into conscideration - well that's another story.

I'd love to know where you got your information from about a payout in December, because nobody else has mentioned it and you seem to have know about it since August.

MB50 are you out there?.....you're a great one for the info!....tell all.
you see , this is the point i made in an earlier post . eircomlifer has posted as far back as august that his inside info is that we will get a patout of 10 k for christmas . now lets just assume for a moment that he is right , does this not PROVE beyond a shadow of a doubt that they do indeed know , well in advance of a payout , yet when you ring they tell you the same old story we know nothing . if eircomlifer is wrong i will eat humble pie , but if he is right it certainly proves we are constantly being lied to and strung along

I rang the esop line today. They could not give a date but they expect the information to go out in November
In responce to Eircomlifer : Sorry but why should ex eircom ppl not be involved in deciding how our shares should be used? We earned these shares while we worked for the company and just because we no longer work there does not mean that we should not have a say in how our shares are used. Most of the esop is at this stage ex employees - we are shareholders so we have a say. The esop should not be concerned with eircom employees but in making the most dividends for its members. Employee issues should be dealt with by Union not esop
they told me some time ago that the esop 21 would be sent out 3 week from when i rang them that was about a month ago . now were told november this is just another delaying tactic
I have been ringing this morning and have got the answering machine every time.

Did you call their new number?

From ESOP website:

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]ESOP Unit is moving to a new address[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]9 October 2009
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]ESOP Unit is moving to a new address[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Please note eircom ESOP Offices is relocating from[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]53, Merrion Square, Dublin 2 on Monday 12 October 2009 to:[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Leitrim House, Upper Stephens Street, Dublin 8.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Contact Numbers:[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Freephone number 1 800 27 27 00 or 01 - 701 3932[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Fax Number : 01 - 701 3958[/FONT]


You must be part of the Union 'Eircomlifer' (I mean, this is highly likely if you are in fact an Eircom 'lifer') and I'm guessing that's where your getting your 'reliable' information from.

I have heard that the ESOP Board DO want Ex-Eircom employees out of the picture but that's not gonna happen while we still have plenty of shares left. Maybe we'll be offered a payout to make us go away?! This way the ESOP Board wont have to worry about us 'pack of old women' anymore and they'll be happy and we certainly will be too!

This might tie into what you've heard from your 'reliable' source back in August Eircomlifer about 10k in December and then 3 payouts in 2010 - if that happens, or we have to vote to make this happen, doesn't this sound like the seeds of a potential 'payout'?

What money,sure you cant depend on rumours.......eh....kids....Santa may or may not be coming this Christmas we ll have to wait till the clowns inESOP ARE FEELING GENEROUS THIS YEAR and remember June gone by? Need i say more
Drinky i know they have moved but their contact number is still the same 1800 272700. Eircomlifer would you tell us how long you have been in eircom for. I have done 30 years in eircom from P+T to TELECOM EIREANN to EIRCOM. Me and the people i worked with have helped build this company into what it is today, and we are entitled to our say and our shares. I to have been an eircom lifer and we are not going away. How dare you insult former eircom staff like this. We should be all fighting this together regardless if you are eircom staff or ex eircom staff. Without us there would be no ESOP lets stick together and get what we are entitled to.
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