Eircom BB


Registered User
I got my pack last night and set it up fine and connected soon afterwards. I shut down my PC for a few hours and then tried to log on again but couldnt. after a few minutes of messing around myself I rang the support line.
They told me that my go live date wasnt until next thursday and so couldnt connect until then.

Im baffled though how I managed to connect before that. any ideas? and is this normal procedure?
Any chance that you were connecting wirelessly through somebody else's wireless router/broadband connection that was not secured? For example a neighbour's? Since my neighbours got broadband in with wireless router access (which they don't use but which is switched on and not secured) I sometimes forget to switch my stuff on and end up connecting automatically through theirs! I have tentatively arranged to pop in to them to secure and/or disable wireless access for them to prevent arbitrary wireless users in the vicinity connecting through their link.
I got my pack last week and connected up straight away and have been workin since.. but saying that it was a week between ordering and delivery so maybe in ur case they delivered much quicker than the back end had time to activate your account
It was delivered 5 working days after I ordered. Ordered on tuesday of last week and delivered yesterday and 5 more working days until i go live according to the guy on the support line anyway.

clubman, the dsl light on my router is flashing which I assume sugegsts a problem with my line??

As regards enabling security thats automatic isnt it or do I need to manually do it?
clubman, the dsl light on my router is flashing which I assume sugegsts a problem with my line??

It may depend on the router, but I'm pretty sure that if the DSL light is not constant, you have no connection.
munsterman said:
As regards enabling security thats automatic isnt it or do I need to manually do it?

You need to secure your own wireless connection. Do it soon-it didn't take long for someone to start stealing as I found out to my cost.

I assume to gives instructions how to do this
so when installing the link between the two you are asked to key in a password that is supposedly the security.. is this not so? should you be applying extra security?
Ya thats what I did too grizzcol. I was under the impression that that was it.

Is it this way that an 'outsider' would connect or through the simple username and password you sue when connecting?

Another question which may seem stupid. I assume tehre is no issue with leaving the router plugged in and powered on all the time
thats what i do as well...if somebody could come in and give us feedback as to whether we're right or wrong that would be great....
Once you connect for the first time you may have to enter a username and password, but I think this is just to enable the connection. Once the connection is enabled, extra security should be added so that if anyone else tries to connect they will be asked for a password.

I'm no expert, but that was my experience.
If you want to get really paranoid about it, as well as enabling some sort of encryption you can also opt for allowing only certin MAC addresses to connect to the router via the 'Limit Wireless Access by MAC Address' under the advanced tab on the 'Wireless' page. You can get your own MAC (physical address) by entering ipconfig -all | more on the command line in Windows.
thanks for that... I was asked when setting up to enter in a really long string (which I'm assuming is the encryption as its linked to the serial no of the router)..but i think I'll add bluetonic's suggestion as well just to be safe
You should also definitely change the default admin user password and maybe disable admin access over anything other than wired access. You might also want to disable the SSID broadcast but doing this is a very weak security measure and can militate against XP's wireless zero configuration functionality.

Another non security issue is to switch to a channel that avoids neighbouring wireless LANs and other 2.4GHz devices (e.g. microwave ovens, 2.4GHz baby monitors, 2.4GHz video senders etc.) in order to avoid unnecessary interference and throughput degradation on the wireless LAN. Choose one of channel 1, 6 or 11 depending on what frequency
other devices operate on.
Eircom seem to be teasing me with their BB before my go live date. It worked again for a period on wednesday afternoon and not again last night when I tried to connect.

Last night all my lights were lighting but the internet light was red. The self test said I had a gatewat issue. whats my gateway? Said something about something wasnt responding having been repeatedly pinged.
Im still assuming this is all to do with me not going lvie until tuesday next

Essentially the internet connectivity runs over the dsl connection, so that part of the connection has to be set up by the system