Egypt vaccinations


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Hi all,

I am planning on going to Egypt (booking hotels etc next week) on the 7th June.

Is there specific vaccinations that I need? I've read a couple of forums and the information is a bit flaky.

I am hoping to go to Sharm El Sheikh and staying in the Sheraton for 7 nights. Has anyone had any experiences of this area and if so any recommendations.

Any information you can give would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Lucky you, I'm very jealous!

We went to Egypt last year and it was amazing.

We tried to cover as much as possible and went for two and half weeks, three days in Cairo, 5 day nile cruise and then down Sharm for the rest.

Stayed in the Reef Oasis Blue Bay and it was amazing! By far the best hotel I have ever stayed in, fab rooms, beech, food.

We did get vaccinations before we went, got them with the GP and cost abour €80 each. Can't fully remember what we got as some of them were two/three in one but your GP will advise. They last a few years as well.

Would advise considering going all inclusive solely for the alcoholic drinks! They can be very expensive, some of the five star hotels charge about €6 for a vodka/whiskey etc. Do plenty of research on your hotel and it will pay off also as I did hear some bad reviews on some all inclusive resorts.

Only went into Sharm twice, it's fine, very touristy depends on what you are into. Locals can be crazy pushy but we had gotten used to it, smile, say no thank you and they usually leave you alone.

If you have any questions let me know!
We did Sharm, Cairo and Jerusalem without any jabs.
You get the Visa at the airport - USD10 if I remember correctly.

Sharm is fine if you just want to laze away, not much to do to be honest. Guaranteed sun, great snorkelling and diving if that's your bag.
The centre for disease control will give you all the information you need for vaccinations
[broken link removed]

No advance visa required - you pay some money for a "visa" on arrival when they put some nice stamps in your passport

No compulsory vaccincations for Egypt unless you're arriving from a Yellow Fever area and if you're staying in a large Western hotel in Sharm for 7 days I don't think there's really much need to worry about vaccinations - but consult your doctor for proper advice
If you stay within the resort area I wouldn't get a visa.
All the websites/GPs will recommend jabs for Egypt Tunisia Morocco - even Turkey.
but almost no tourists get them.

My own staff have been to Sharm and never bothered with jabs. They claim it is a very clean place - better,indeed, than many famous resorts in the Med.

I think the flights go on the 4th or 11th June. I don't know if there is flight availability on the 7th.

I agree with above comments - all-inclusive is a great deal, and even if you have paid for it there's no reason to be mean and not try a couple of local places as well.

On the 11th prices range from 600 euros upwards for a week but thats for bb places.

Frankly, two weeks is better value - as with most holidays -and it'll give you a chance to go on more trips. On a one week holiday the only trip I'd consider is the Monastry of St Katherine in the Sinai desert, but Cairo/Pyramids is tempting too....

I can get somone to chat with you about her recent holiday to Sharm if you wish but I'm not allowed to advertise so I leave it you to contact privately..
Vaccines are mainly not 'compulsory'.

But it would be ill advised to chose not to be vaccinated for potentially serious preventable diseases.

I would advise the OP to attend their GP or a travel vaccination centre for advise.

Note: I will not mention medical issues, but if you want to inform yourself, it might be worthwhile Googling the effects of some of these preventible diseases (and how you can catch them), if choosing to not get vaccinations before travelling.

You will need Hep A and Typhoid vaccination. Hep B is optional, personally I would have it too. No need for Malaria tabs unless you are going sub-Sahara.

As the others said you do need a visa for Sharm. Can be bought at the airport. Don't be silly as we were, we let the travel agent organise it thinking it would be a hassle to get ourselves.

Much cheaper and very simple to do yourself, little booths at the arrival gates will sell direct to you, can't remember exactly the price approx £10 I think (Agents charged us like €25).

We got the jabs as we were travelling around with the cruise etc. Each to their own.

Definately consider two weeks if you can. There probably won't be a huge difference in price and if you want to do tours to Cairo/St.Catherines etc. these are long days and will take a huge chunk out of your week.

I will definately go back again!