


Beware when paying for m50 toll.
I paid by phone and assumed all ok. When returned from holidays had a nasty bill awaiting for me. They said that it is the owner responsible to make sure toll paid. Informed them that i assumed it was as they took all the details.
They refuse to replay the tape of the phone conservation as this will prove me right.

M50toll = total rip off
bring back the barriers, then you know it is paid and all is ok.

Is there any thing you can do as i know i paid but they said that the system said that i did not.
Checked the bank statement and no pay to eflow.
When i paid by laser my wife was in room and can verify this but as i stated the tape of the call will prove me right, they do not want to amit they ARE WRONG.
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Beware when paying for m50 toll.
I paid by phone and assumed all ok. When returned from holidays had a nasty bill awaiting for me. They said that it is the owner responsible to make sure toll paid. Informed them that i assumed it was as they took all the details.
They refuse to replay the tape of the phone conservation as this will prove me right.

M50toll = total rip off
bring back the barriers, then you know it is paid and all is ok.

Is there any thing you can do as i know i paid but they said that the system said that i did not.
Checked the bank statement and no pay to eflow.
When i paid by laser my wife was in room and can verify this but as i stated the tape of the call will prove me right, they do not want to amit they ARE WRONG.

I received a bill some months ago for toll I had paid through internet and printed off receipt. Totally ignored them, never heard again.

On return this morning from a week in Canada my son received a bill for a date his car was sitting in his driveway while away.
These constant mistakes must be a nightmare for people who use it regularly.
I got a bill for €100 euro recently for a toll i PAID online
What am i supposed to do with this?
I wrote them an email explaining the situation but they are asking for receipts and all the details of this,which i don't have.
I don't want to pay this obviously,their phone system seems to be totally automated,how the hell do you speak to someone in eflow? :mad:
If i don't pay this are they gonna try take me to court?
I got a bill for €100 euro recently for a toll i PAID online
What am i supposed to do with this?
I wrote them an email explaining the situation but they are asking for receipts and all the details of this,which i don't have.
I don't want to pay this obviously,their phone system seems to be totally automated,how the hell do you speak to someone in eflow? :mad:
If i don't pay this are they gonna try take me to court?

Did you pay by credit/debit card and do you have a record of this on your statement. If so ignore them, let them prove you didn't pay.
Pay online and keep all your receipts as proof. I've printed them off and have them stashed in a drawer just in case.

That way, if some glitch means they never receive the money, it can be demonstrated that the toll was to all intents and purposes paid in good faith.

Agree with all the points made about the new system being poor and I think the whole issue of a toll on that bridge has been questionable since day-1.

I think the new system's 8pm-the-next-day deadline is irrational and I think €3 is very expensive. The various companies and systems offering tags, monthly bills etc is in my opinion an example of the worst kind of public-private partnership.

Will it be equally messy when they introduce it to all the tolls around the country (presumably with a toll price-hike to cover the costs)?

The removal of the toll station on the M50 does seem to have improved traffic flow, confirming something that was always claimed.

Now they just have to finish rebuilding it the way it should have been built in the first place...
Ah bugger....this thread just reminded me I used the other day...and didn't pay...ARGH!
~I have always paid on line - sometimes several days late. Have yet to get a letter from them looking for extra money.

I reckon there are loads of people using the bridge everyday and paying nothing, probably too many for them to keep up with.

jimhogan, go on line, pay your €3 and they will probably leave it at that.
Rang eflow to pay a late charge €3 + €3 Total €6. It was totally automated, input my notice no and was told by the automated voice that €3 was outstanding. Anyway knew it was wrong but paid it anyway thinking it was their loss. Now I ve received a Fine notice for about €40. Should i pay it ? do i hve a leg to stand on ?
I used the M50 on the 1st of Feb 2009.
I paid the fee on the 3rd of Feb (€3 + €3 late fee).
I recieved a letter 2 weeks later to say I owed €47 as I paid no fee.

I asked for this receipt number when I phoned up to pay by credit
card due to complaints I have heard about eflow on Liveline.
4 weeks ago again I heard about people having paid and getting the
€47 fine(like I had). They were also saying they were getting Solicitor
letters looking for €156.

Thinking I too was bound to get such a letter too I emailed eflow looking for a written receipt.
I asked for this when I phoned up to complain about the €47 letter but was
told it was a small error and now it was noted.

I recieved the following reply:
Dear Vincent,

Thank you for contacting eFlow Customer Services.

We apologise for the delay in answering your query and any inconvenience it may have caused.

As you may be aware we are dealing with a huge and growing volume of queries at present and

it can take several days for us to respond.

We have reviewed the details for vehicle ********* and can confirm that everything

is in order and your payment has been successful, thank you.

(Details of payment and my card number and time it was paided was also in their email to me)

Needless to say..... I got a solicitors letter saying I now owe €156 yesterday for the one and only time I used eflow.
I am in the middle of writing back to them including a copy of the email receipt and have asked them to apologise for their incompetence. Bunch of wasters! How much has it cost them writing to me and threatening me with legal action?
Who is responsible for this mess?

I'm having similar problems with eflow. The whole setup seems to be stacked against the consumer and designed to automatically rip off anyone who forgets to pay on the button.

It is simply wrong that they have (or claim to have) the right to send out notices at any time in the future that put the onus on the customer to prove that they have paid. There should be an online system showing payments in respect of each car reg.. i.e. an account just like any other organization has, so that people know where they stand without having to wait for one of their sneaky letters to drop through the letterbox.

Who is responsible for protecting the consumer against this monopoly? And who is politically responsible for setting up the system in the first place?