Eflow say I owe them €155


Registered User
Do I have any rights in this situation. Basically Eflow say I never paid a toll back in November and passed my dept on to some solicitors. The thing is I remember phoning Eflow when I got the initial warning which said I had to pay €42 for not paying the toll.

When I rang I explained to the lady that I paid the toll on the internet. She said it didn't go through however if I paid the €3 now + €3 late fee she would waive the balance.

I gave her the details over the phone and thought nothing else of it until i received the solicitors letter. I explained all this to the solicitor and she took the phone number I made the call from. Apparently the cannot find this alleged call. The problem is I made the call from work and my number sometimes goes through a switch board so I cannot be sure of the number that would have showed up on their records.

I know for a fact I made the call but there is no charge of €6 leaving my account around this time. Do I have any rights? There is a possibility that this call happened earlier in the year but I don't think it did. I have had terrible problems with Eflow in the past, almost every time I pay the toll I get a letter the following week to say i still owe it.

Sorry for the long post, thanks in advance.
If you paid by debit or credit card, you could ring your bank and ask them if they have any authorisation attempts from eFlow on your card. It might go part way to explaining what happened.