EFLOW fiasco: trying to register my car - has the registration system broken down?


Registered User
Have been trying to register my car all week - initially tried on the internet - turns out that according to thier System my car is not registered in Ireland (?????)
Rang them tue - had to leave message to get a ring back.
No returned Call
Just off the phone to them now - conversation went like this -

Stephen (customer Service ) - helloo blah blah bla
Me: I explained situation
S: I can only get your nr and get someone to call you back
Me: Not good enough, need to use M50 quite a bit over the weekend and am now going to be charged the higher rate.
S: I'm sure they will take that into account
Me: What do you mean?
S: I'm sure they have some sort of reimbursment in mind
Me: Have they told you this?
S: Oh no I didnt say that
Me: Can you check for me?
S: There is no one here from EFlow
Me: Who am I talking to now?
S: I dont work for Eflow - we have just been brought in to deal with the customer overflow - all the systems are down
Me: So Im ringing an Eflow Nr, you are presumably taking my details and you dont even work for Eflow?
S: thats right - can I get someone to ring you back?
Me: how long before they get back to me ?
S: 48 - 72 hours.
ME: We seem to be going around in circles here - they wont have got back to me in time, can I get your name so I can note this call for when I get the letters in the post regarding non payment.

etc etc etc

Does anybody know what is going on with thier system?? - is it completely broken down?

Mod's - dont know if this should go under rants but I'd say the way thier company is being run and just who has access to your personal and payment details would be of concern to other posters.
Re: EFLOW fiasco

Have you tried another tag company
Re: EFLOW fiasco: trying to register my car - has the registration system broken down

Why not try this hack? from c2h5oh!

Rang again this morning and selected option 5 "as gaeilge" and got through to someone immediately. He looked up the reg and the number had been misread! charge cancelled.
Re: EFLOW fiasco

Have you tried another tag company
If anyone wants to register for the video registration - then it has to be eflow. Eflow is the main tolling and charging company - all the others are just tag "operators".