Effects of VRT changes on 01/08 demand


Registered User
Today's Irish Times reported that the price of a BMW 320d is set to fall by 6,883 euro to 40,000. Why would anyone buy this car next month? Also, this will affect the price of 2nd diesel cars....gonna upset a lot of people....

7 grand - brilliant.
How much off more regular diesel cars? Passats and the like or is there any projected price table available?
This has been flagged from a long way out. I can't imagine why somebody would commit to buying one of those things before budget day.
7 grand - brilliant.
How much off more regular diesel cars? Passats and the like or is there any projected price table available?
This has been flagged from a long way out. I can't imagine why somebody would commit to buying one of those things before budget day.

If you bought one last year though you're gonna see an extra 6k depreciation on your car for your troubles.
And if you didn't buy one last year you're going to see an extra savings this year.


Roundabouts (or roadworks where the roundabout used to be).

I have a BMW 318i touring on order for Jan 2008. I have paid a (smallish) deposit to the dealer. I picked the car because I need a bit of space, I like BMWs and the new BMW engines are very fuel efficient.

The car is going to cost me 45k. The new price will drop and my car will devalue by about 5k next July. I am effectively being punished for choosing a fuel efficient vehicle. I feel pretty stupid. Is there anything I can do? Does anyone know if any dealers are doing anything to help customers who have been caught out like this?
Ask the garage to postpone the car until July.
They still get there sale and the amount they get woun't change although the reducing vrt gives them scop to push up their prices post July.
Can anyone calculate a July price on the new Mazda 6 (1.8litre) for me:

Emissions dropping from 184 to 161mg.

Current new model price is 30,500.

What will July price be (not sure what price VAT is added on to, before or after VRT??)
I have a BMW 318i touring on order for Jan 2008. I have paid a (smallish) deposit to the dealer. I picked the car because I need a bit of space, I like BMWs and the new BMW engines are very fuel efficient.

The car is going to cost me 45k. The new price will drop and my car will devalue by about 5k next July. I am effectively being punished for choosing a fuel efficient vehicle. I feel pretty stupid. Is there anything I can do? Does anyone know if any dealers are doing anything to help customers who have been caught out like this?

That's very unfortunate and shouldn't happen.
You should talk to the garage. Is your deposit over €5K? If it's considerably less, then threaten them to cancel your order. It's better to lose €2.5K in worst case than 5K.

It shouldn't make any difference to them anyway, as they'll make their sell, it's money going to governments pockets not them.