effects of bodywork repair on resale


Registered User
Any of you listening to the radio this morning may have heard of the 12 cars that span off the M7 this morning....I was one of them. Dead straight doing 100 - 110 kph on a road I thought had been treated...I was wrong. I've a major issue with the corporation on this one. How in the name of This post will be deleted if not edited immediately did they not think to grit that motorway after all the hype in the media about the "cold snap". Has anyone ever made a compo claim succesfully on something like this? Is this negligence? Maybe I'm just feeling hard done by.

Anyway, another question. I colided with the crash barrier (steel ropes) and they tore off they bumber and the headlights from the front of the car. Rest of the car untouched, no real impact as such and the chassis was assesed as undamaged. Now I'm obviously going to have to replace the front bumber and headlights. How will this affect the resale value of my car?

It's a 05 Citroen C4 with 35k miles. I was thinking of changing before the crash and am afraid I've knocked thousands off the asking price. All parts being replaced are plastic (anyone who's seen the front of a C4 close up will vouch that it is basically a big piece of lego), no damage to bonnet but side wings will need replacing although these are plastic on the C4 as well!

Any help on either of the above would be great. Thanks all.
As for suing the council because you skidded on ice would be like going to the goats hole for wool if everyone could do that then people would be suing for damage from potholes uneven roads etc. it would cost the taxpayer dearly. The damage to your car shouldn't depreciate it if its only the wing and plastic moulds as long as the bonnet and chassis weren't damaged.
Well as far as I know people have sued for potholes, that's why I thought of it. In fact I think a poster on this forum spoke about it in the not too distant past. Can't find the thread at the mo.
I think suing for potholes is restricted to when the council do a bad job repairing it. In other words if you meet a pothole they have not repaired at all you cannot claim but if they have and done a bad job you can. i could be wrong