Effective use of Internet search engines


Registered User
I loose so much time looking for stuff on the web that I wonder if its worth it. Can someone help with a very sepcific, type of search. Lets say I'm looking for a result of a football match if I could limit my search to sites that were updated since 18:00 Sunday it would be more likely that they'd have the result. I know there is a so called advance search on Google that says return searches updated in the last 3 month 6 months etc. I'm more interested in sites that were updated in the last few hours.Does anyone know of more effective ways of using search engine.

Any other general hints would be appreciated

QP has tried so called 'advanced search' but it doesnt do what required.

I know there is a so called advance search on Google that says return searches updated in the last 3 month 6 months etc. I'm more interested in sites that were updated in the last few hours.


When I get frustrated with Google I do a google search for "Google Sucks" I frequently get the anwser to my problem as well as a load of entertaining stuff.

Apart from specialist searches (like news items) most search engines won't update their indexes as regularly as you would like.

Some sites will be checked daily, but less popular ones will only be indexed weekly or even less frequently. So, you are very unlikely to be able to check queries updated over time periods of a few hours.

In most cases, barring news and sports results, this is not an issue.
The only way I can see to do what you want is to find sites which meet your needs and then bookmark them or 'subscribe' to feeds from them using RSS.
I found the following by googling for "google hacks" and "search for a particular date range" and got this from CNET.AU. Enjoy!