Effect of rent controls? Higher rents and reduced supply

Properties than don't meet any proposed new standards or are unwilling to meet them will also leave the market.
One of the best and most logical posts ive read about the issue in a long long time.
One of the best and most logical posts ive read about the issue in a long long time.
Germany has the same problem with a two tier rents due to rpz. They also shifted to large investment landlords and had problems with it.

This was all known before Ireland decided to reinvent the wheel by going down the same road.

No-one said that rpz weren't a big factor. They just aren't the only one. Targeting one issue in isolation is why they were introduced. It's ironic this thread suggests doing the same in reverse will fix it. Different sides of the same coin.
...Will any Irish politician admit that rent controls have created this crisis?...

Seems like that was the argument ...

I'm not arguing against you that is a bad idea. Just broadening the scope of the discussion.
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No, I repeatedly said that, in my opinion, rent controls are the primary (not the sole) reason for the recent net reduction in our rental stock.

I'll agree to disagree due to clear evidence this general trend started before rpz.

Also viability argument doesn't hold up under scrutiny.
There are many reasons and everyone will have their own opinion.

For me:

Rent pressure zones
Taxation levels
Inability to deal quicky with bad tenants
Sinn Fein threats on anti landlord action

I see it as these four reasons. I think the RPZ is the primary cause though. Again, just my opinion. I find it incredible to penalise existing landlords and leave new landlords set rents at whatever figure they choose. Yes, they are meant to set to market rent, but there's no enforcement.

Landlords with mortgages, say a tracker, have seen interest rates go up by 1.25% in two months and talk is another 0.75% next month. The rent cannot be increased to the same amount (ignoring half the rental increase in tax). So landlords are actually in a worse position now than previously. And yet they are expected to remain in the sector.

To resolve this, how about reducing taxation to landlords renting at say, 20% under the market rate.

I've said it before on here, I think Sinn Fein are making the situation way worse and getting more popular because of it. They vilify landlords and threaten to restrict their ability to selling their property and only allowing them sell to another landlord with tenant in situ (and so the assets value will take a huge hit as a result).

All these threats are doing nothing but encouraging current landlords to serve notice and sell up. Makes the situation worse again. Government get more unpopluar as a result. Opposition/SF get more popular.

There's none so blind as them that what won't listen.
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Only 40% of one property landlords have a mortgage. It's something like 80% of 150+ unit landlord properties.

I wonder what % of those leaving have mortgages.
If I was a landlord I'd sell up immediately after reading that. In my opinion it is probable that Eoin O'Brion will be the minister for housing after the next election. There's no way I'd risk being a landlord with him in charge.
There's an interesting piece from Dominic Coyle in today's Irish Times "What are the tax implications if we allow daughter stay in our rental apartment for free for three years?".



So here you have it. Decent landlords finally waking up to the fact that they will be stuck with a below-market rate forever if they continue to do right thing. Tenants who have done well from below market rates for several years and about to get a big shock when they re-enter a market with very constrained supply due to the policies they have inadvertently benefitted from.
I dunno how anyone landlord or tenant can be shocked. Rents are in the media almost every other day for like a decade or more.

You'd be checking that the rent comes in you'd be aware of it monthly or so. Or your agent would. More so if your margins on a razor edge.

Likely get a call from the tax man wondering are you under declaring rent and thus the tax.
In my humble opinion, rent controls are the primary (not the sole) reason for the recent net reduction in rental stock.
Is there a reduction in rental stock or a reduction in the stock available to rent? They are very different things.

In 2016 there were 326,493 residential dwellings in the private rental sector, up 19.2% from 2006. There were 143,178 rented from local authorities, up 8.4% from 10 years previously. During that time the population of the country went up by 10%. The average household size in 2006 was 2.81 people. In 2016 it was 2.75 people. So, the number of private rentals went up nearly twice as fast as population and demographic change driven demand.
I fully agree that supply is not matching demand but are the actual numbers of rental properties in the market dropping?

Accidental landlords coming out of negative equity are certainly now in a position to exit the market but I don’t believe they would be doing so in large numbers if they were able to generate a reasonable risk-adjusted return on their rentals.
The risk adjusted element is a big issue.
I don’t really see why the age profile of landlords is particularly relevant. As it happens, most landlords that I know are long since retired.
I've no data to back my view up either, it's just a hunch, and so I'm open to correction.
Fear of a future Sinn Fein led government? That might be a motivating factor for some landlords but it’s hardly a new concern.
RPZ's are certainly reducing the "risk premium" available to landlords while the actual risks are increasing.
I agree.
RPZ's are dampening the ability of the market to respond to demand but population increase is swallowing new housing faster that that housing can be produced. That, in my opinion, is the main reason why we have a housing shortage and everything else is just a symptom of that.
One of the best and most logical posts ive read about the issue in a long long time.
Agree with your comment on the excellent post you quoted. I bought in 2012. Held for ten years. Had decided to sell for various reasons: increased value of the property; tenant not keeping the place; tenant went on HAP and their onerous inspections requiring further heavy investment (no problem keeping the place up per say if I have the money (I don't) and if the tenant is responsible and looks after the place and notifies me of problems but that wasn't the case); just sick of the stress, worry and uncertainty of it all (not cut out for it!). Tenant now gone (HAP pays for the increased rent at the new rental found) and my property vacant. Because I gave selling as the reason for termination I could be penalised if I don't do that within 9 months (not sure how this is or even if it's enforced - someone would have to report you - which could be done by a spiteful ex-tenant or neighbour if they figure it out - not that I'm paranoid!). The sad thing is now that I've repainted the place it looks much better and there are people arriving at the flat (unadvertised) through word of mouth and asking (begging) me to rent it to them even if it's less than perfect. I'd be renting at below market because it's RPZ and also I think the market rates are too high and would try to keep it reasonable and I'm ok with that. But I'm afraid of being penalised if I do rent again despite the fact I'd like to help give people somewhere to live. It's a dilemma for sure and it seems to me the government should not be discouraging landlords from moving out tenants after a certain period of time (say after two/three years of renting) and allowing them to choose tenants at their own discretion. Effectively depriving them of the right to manage their own property. People need to realise that renting is temporary and there can be no guaranteed security of living in someone else's house/flat for life and plan accordingly. There are plenty of options. Landlords should not be saddled with bad tenants at a low rent for life. It makes zero sense and that's why landlords are leaving. They are afraid of/bewildered by all the new regulations and the potential risk for them and it's not just about money. People on rent supplement, HAP, on long term social welfare payments who can't for whatever reason afford to buy or rent long term from private landlords should be guaranteed housing by the government. It's the govt's responsibility. Simple as that. And the fact they have avoided taking this responsibility means more than likely SF will be elected in the next election and no amount of legislation or ridiculous photo-opping by DO'B trying to make himself look like a 'people's hero' such as this will save them now:

Not sure who I'd vote for in the next election! Not DO'B that's for sure nor SF.....is there any sane party out there that could effectively deal with all of this!

Here's a good article on the perils of too much rent-control with a big-picture take on the Irish rental situation from a NZ website:

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In some other countries there is the mindset that a rental isn't temporary. But they also enforce stronger landlords rights.