Education loan


Registered User
Hi all

I am thinking of returning to education next September in Ireland. Do the banks still give out bank loans ? I have lived abroad now for three years so assuming other lines of credit are limited does it also apply to say 10,000e for a post grad from an Irish bank? Just asking if there has been any news on this or if anyone has specific knowledge. In addition, a guarantor etc is no problem and as non-resident I am not eligible for grants etc. as far as I know.

If you look at any of the banks' websites they advertise college/education/[post] graduate loans so presumably they do offer these? Whether or not you would get one really depends on your specific personal and financial circumstances - e.g. potential earning capacity while working, plan for repayment of loan etc. You haven't really posted any info about this.

Are you sure that you would not qualify for grants or other financial assistance? Anything useful here?
Do you have any standing with a bank or credit union? I was able to get a CU loan for my Masters but that was P/T so I worked and paid off all the way through the course.

In the UK you can get a career development loan where you start paying back after you finish PG study (not like the student loans where you only pay back when your income reaches a certain level) but I've never heard of it here.