Economy Car Tyres for low mileage car.


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Just did the rounds of a few local car tyre dealers. For 4 tyres I have been quoted from €280 down to €240. Most of the brands offered I have never heard their name before. These are for a car that only has 10k miles on it since 2003. Is there any point in purchasing the more expensive tyres (€85 each) if I can get EU compliant tyres for €55 each?
For me it is down to driving style. If the 10,000 miles are done at low speeds Economy tyre will be fine.
It's down to your personal choice. In my opinion a good quality tyre and the best quality you can afford should be on your car. At the end of the day if the unexpected happens and you have a split-second to avoid catastrophy I'd prefer to have a tyre that has a good track record for grip and stability in wet/dry conditions than a poor performance tyre.

The small saving you would make would be little comfort to you lying in a hospital bed.

For example, I bought a used Peugeot 308 last year and the garage had put on brand new tyres on it for the sale. I have never heard of the brand. They were cheap and the result is they were noisy on b-roads, intrusive on the motorway and as for the grip, whilst they were okay on a dry surface, they were positively dangerous on a wet road. I had occasions of sliding/understeer on moderate bends at 38mph, whilst my other car (a heavier car) which has premium brand tryes of a narrower width can easily navigate the same bend at 50mph in the wet.

I changed the tyres after 3 weeks and never looked back.
Even brand name tyres vary a lot in how good they are. You'll only find a good tyre by looking at the model number and see if theres any online reviews or tests of it.

A tyre can be legal but terrible. Personally I think there is a vast difference between these no name brands and a decent tyre.
What are the ratings for the tyres for wet weather performance, noise and efficiency? Take a look at [broken link removed] for example.

European compliant means they meet a minimum standard. There's a huge variation in the performance of different tyres. Tyres only have a certain shelf life as well. 10 years might be pushing it.

Another option may be to buy party worn tyres .... Tyreland are supposed to be quite good, for both value & service.

Here's the link:

I've absolutely no connection to Tyreland by the way, just researched the matter a while back in respect of Run Flat Tyres which are very expensive and someone else suggested it to me as an option.

Hope this helps.