economic solution?


Registered User
I got the below in relation to the UK.....can anyone fault this? its brilliant!

Lets do it in Ireland too.

Dear Mr. Darling,

Please find below my suggestion for fixing Britain 's economy. Instead of giving billions of pounds to banks that will squander the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan:

There are about 20 million people over 50 in the work force. - Pay them £1 million apiece severance for early retirement with the following stipulations:

1) They MUST retire. Twenty million job openings - Unemployment fixed.

2) They MUST buy a new British CAR. Twenty million cars ordered - Auto Industry fixed.

3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage - Housing Crisis fixed.

4) They must send20their kids to school / college /university - Crime rate fixed

5) Buy £50 of alcohol / tobacco / petrol a week... there's your money back in duty / tax etc

It can't get any easier than that!

Sounds like the Public Sector Early Retirement Scheme, but without the stipulations

[broken link removed]

However, faults in an Irish context.

1. Many may have non-jobs so a 1 for 1 opening wouldn't happen.
2. We have no car industry, bar retail and servicing.
3. Every over 50 probably owns numerous houses already - that's part of the problem.
4. College is free here so, in theory, there should be no correllation between opportunity to attend college and crime. You can't force someone to attend if they don't want to.
5. Ultimately this all sounds like "trickle down" economics. Give rich people lots of money - they'll spend it on fancy stuff - and eventually the little guy benefits.

Oh, and 20 million by 1 million is 20,000,000,000,000. I don't even know what number that is, 20 thousand billion?

€20 billion divided amongst 20 million people is only €1,000 each

My solution would be to take a fraction of that money and use it to teach maths and economics properly. Is it any wonder we're all broke when people can't do basic sums
€20 billion divided amongst 20 million people is only €1,000 each

My solution would be to take a fraction of that money and use it to teach maths and economics properly. Is it any wonder we're all broke when people can't do basic sums

Traditional British Million is a million million. The thousand million reference is the US Billion (which in fairness is the most commonly used).

You're going to have little or no change out of a million once you've committed to all of the above expenditure, so what are these people going to live on between now and their retirement age?
Traditional British Million is a million million. The thousand million reference is the US Billion (which in fairness is the most commonly used).
I thought Million = Million; Million Million = Million Million; but surely the "Traditional British Million" = "Traditional British Million" and not a Million Million.
Or, er, somthing like that.
No mention of letting all the experts/professors etc aged over 50 go and losign that wealth of expertise and knowledge, I thought this would be the bigger topic.

Not sure where the convention is US UK or where-ever thought just an international standard that 1000 billion is a Trillion, so I think its 20 trillion
The convention used to be

Billion = Million Million 1000000000000
Trillion = Billion Billion 1000000000000000000000000

Billion = Thousand Million 1000000000
Trillion = Thousand Billion 1000000000000

So UK billion = US trillion

The US version seems to have become the more widely used.