Eco build - a book by an Irish guy in London, 100 ways to greener living??

Betsy Og

Registered User
This guy was featured on the Last Word early in the year. Promoting a book re green living. Basically he recycled a lot of the water used in his house, used solar panels, possibly wind etc. to make it as environmentally friendly as possible.

I looked for this book but couldnt find it in local stores. Anyone know his name, the books name (something like the title), or anything further on the general subject.

Am interested in the possibilities of wind power on a small scale - something the size of a satellite dish or so powering a house, or general eco build methods.
Donnachadh has set a clear example in his own life with his own home in Peckham being the first private house in London to sell solar electricity to the national grid. His home is also the first home in London to receive planning permission to install a grid connected domestic windmill and over 75% of his water needs are supplied by a rain harvester on his roof.
Cultivate in Temple Bar (part of Sustainable Ireland) should be able to give you advice on green living. They were featured on Morning Ireland this morning because of a forthcoming seminar they're hosting (this weekend I think) on this topic.