It will be interesting. The government owned banks did a lot of huffing and puffing before passing on last one.
Hi NorfBank,can you explain what you mean by PTSB cut by .71%?
Apologise for the lack of understanding, but this it mean they have cut their variable rates more than the .25% required or do you mean something else?
ive still not got the last one given to me and im on an ECB tracker..
Its UB, old FA account, I believe they have 30 days to do it, and my last payment due was 25 days after so I guess it will be done on the 28th o December.. we will see.
ive still not got the last one given to me and im on an ECB tracker..
Ulster Bank will also not be passing on this rate cut. having refused to pass the last one on, while KBC and National Irish Bank are reviewing the situation. Bank of Ireland, which also refused to pass on last month’s reduction, says it will cut its rate by 0.15 per cent, instead of the 0.25 the ECB announced yesterday.