Given the radically deteriorating rates available to borrowers in the last month, I find myself considering taking a tracker rate of ECB +1.55%, which would currently amount to 5.8%. This would have my mortgage at approx 38% of my net take-home pay.
In today's uncertain climate, is 1.55% a bad tracker margin to accept?
I have read that tracker rates are being discontinued by many banks. This leads me to the conclusion that tracker rates must be inherently consumer-friendly and that I would be as well off taking one now (before they become extinct) rather than an unattractive fixed rate - there doesn't appear to be any attractive fixed rates any more! Also with tracker I could pay lump sums off my mortgage if the circumstances suited without a penalty.
I would be grateful for any comments on this, but would politely ask that replies don't take the form of "Bank X are offering X" - I have looked around for my circumstances, this is the best tracker rate that I can get.