
Registered User
Anyone manage to move off the punitive EBS standard variable rate and onto an LTV band?

I have been a member since 2010 and I get the wall each time I ask... This is a separate product and was not available when you took out the mortgage.

I know things are happening at AIB...
I'm also stuck on their punitive rate and would also like to know the answer
S v r is 3.7.

Bought in 2010. They won't switch us to LTV.

My LTV would be about 70%
I could switch but I went for the fixed at 3.5 for a year.

I didn't want to switch to aib for 3.3.
I'm also on 3.7 , they wouldn't switch me to the LTV rate even though my LTV is very good I did try to switch to another bank but they weren't interested as my loan goes on to 68 - Past my retirement age I would have had to pay a hefty lump sum to move. I wish someone in Government would force banks to play fair! EBS give cash back and good LTV to anyone other than their own customers.
I'm in a similar boat here. I keep hearing people moving to EBS to avail of the cashback and their good rates and people praising the bank.

Well they are taking advantage of existing customers who cant switch. Some people on this site seem to think switching banks will solve all the mortgage problems that we have in Ireland. They seem to forget about those who cant switch.

I have talked to EBS numerous times and all they will say is to fix.
Fully agree with showmethemoney.
I'm on that high EBS SVR, can't switch either.
It's very unfair . Aib is the parent bank and now we are hearing about people moving between LTV bands even though this is not supposed to happen.