EBS. Statement of Fees.


Registered User
I got a statement of fees advice today in the post from the EBS. It says that the fee charged is for ATM Government Stamp Duty and this amounts to €1.92.

Looking closer at the statement it states that it is for the period 01/01/2022 to 31/03/22. It also says the number of times service used is 2 and the number of times the fee was charged is 2.

I seldom use this card.

Looking through my transaction I see that in the period stated above I used an ATM twice and made one tap payment in a store.

Why am I being charged Government Stamp Duty of €1.92 for three transactions or is it just for the two ATM transactions?

I thought that the stamp duty was 12c on ATM withdrawals? Is there a charge for making a "tap" payment in a store.

I made some online purchases using my debit card such as booking Ryanair flights and overseas hotels, is there a Government Stamp Duty charge for these type of online transactions?

Either way their statement suggests that I am being charged €1.92 Government Stamp Duty for two uses of my debit card in an ATM machine.
EBS statement of fees for government stamp duty are terribly confusing. They just debit your account with a sum of money with no breakdown of the number of times that you used an ATM. They also state that this was for the previous quarter but in fact it was probably for the previous year in total.

Everyone should get a statement dated 1/1/2021 to 31/12/2021, detailing the number of times you used your card in an ATM the previous year and the charge per transaction. (fee and or stamp duty).

To make matters worse, they can only seem to post out this statement at the end of March of the following year. It should be posted out the first week in January.
In all fairness, only EBS can explain why they charged you € 1.92

Everyone here can have an opinion and quote the Stamp Duty legislation etc, but EBS may have a fee or charge included, even if they should have detailed it separately

A charge of € 1.92 would be for 16 ATM withdrawals
To make matters worse, they can only seem to post out this statement at the end of March of the following year. It should be posted out the first week in January.
You receive your MoneyManager statement every 3 months from the EBS. However, your end of year statement of Government Stamp Duty on debit cards should be posted out in early January......because it is charged a year in arrears.

Not much point in the EBS posting out a statement to you mid April when it relates to the previous year ending 31/12/2021.

Are they not even capable of doing this?

A charge of € 1.92 would be for 16 ATM withdrawals
The OP said that the charge related to 2 transactions and was listed as a Government Stamp Duty charge.

The EBS need their Fee statements to be clearer. I know with my Ulster Bank account I have a similar problem. I am just debited with an amount for medallion stamp duty (I am still one of those people who occasionally writes a cheque) but no advice as to the number of cheques I am being charged for. It would be simple to write beside the charge 8 x 50c etc.
Certain debit card transactions are also liable to stamp duty, so the max is 2.50 for ATM transactions and 2.50 for debit card transactions.
I don't know which ones are liable if its tap or buying online using a debit card, but they are not the only bank that doesn't give clarity on what the 12cs relate to.
From AIB T&Cs, so debit card transactions liable to stamp duty

Debit Cards: Government Stamp Duty will be charged at a rate of €0.12 per ATM transaction. Government Stamp Duty only applies to ATM transactions carried out within Ireland (excluding Northern Ireland). This charge is capped at €2.50 if you only use your debit card for ATM transactions and capped at €5 if you use your debit card for both purchases and ATM transactions
so the max is 2.50 for ATM transactions and 2.50 for debit card transactions.
I have been winding down the use of my Ulster Bank credit card because I am concerned that if I make a purchase (for future stay in a hotel abroad) and I have to cancel my purchase, my credit card will be refunded. Unfortunately as we have no time line for when the Ulster Bank will stop accepting their use of their credit cards I cannot risk having a future refund made to a non existing credit card.

As a result I have been using my EBS debit card to make flight and hotel purchases.

Is there a Government duty on these type of purchases?

If I purchase a cup of coffee and tap my card.....is there a government duty on this or is it only if I use a terminal where I input my PIN number to pay for my coffee purchase?