EBS never took mortgage money for 2 months!


Registered User
apparently a mistake in the system! I just rang them up to inform them.... Are they entitled to take two months together now even though it was their fault?? Sorry meant to same it comes out of my bank account at the same day every month
I usually feel for people who have found out after a year that a €40 amount hasn't gone out every month and they owe that money in one go, but unless you have a very small mortgage how did you not notice immediately that it didn't go out? It would be very obvious to me if I suddenly had an extra grand in my account that's not usually there. It would mean considerable extra spending in the month for me to use this money and I don't believe I could 'not notice'. If you haven't spent it is tehre aproblem paying it back in one go.
I would imagine if you cannot afford to pay it back in one go that you could probably come to some arrangement to pay back over maybe 3 or 4 months.
Contact the Ombudsman if they want to pubish you with interest for something which was their own fault.