EBS Mortgage Application


Registered User
Can I get some advice here because I am going out of my mind?

We have submitted an application for a mortgage with EBS about 7 weeks ago. From day one they seemed to be all over the place. Anyway, when we handed in all of our documents, i was told that they would be reviewed and they would get back to me. 3 weeks later I had heard nothing so I called up as i was going away on holiday and I just asked if there was anything that I needed to hand in because I would be away for 2 weeks. He said he would review my file and get back to me. Which he never did. When I returned I called up and after about 10 phone calls he finally picked up the phone and said the same thing again (he would review and call me back) Which he never did gain. At this point, I had submitted everything about 5 weeks previous and I had the feeling he hadn't even reviewed my application.

From here every time I would call the guy I was dealing with, he was "gone for coffee" or "on leave today". In week 6 after about 20 attempts, i finally got through to this clown and he sounded all flustered on the phone and said he was waiting for Dublin to get back to him and that he would have an answer in 48 hours. I was shocked that it was sent to Dublin as he didn't even get back to me to say all was fine. It seems strange to me that he did query anything as regards loans that i had outstanding or anything regarding the tracker mortgage situation I was in a couple of years back. But I was happy it was apparently in Dublin so i didn't ask any questions.
Again he promised me he would call me back within 48 hours and in a shock move, he didn't call.

Today is halfway through week 7 and I took time off work to go over and see if he had any updates on the application. He is now saying his computer is on the fritz and can't get access. To me, this is just insane. How the hell does anyone this incompetent get a manager's position in a bank?

We are selling our house to fund the first phase of our build. The contracts are ready to be signed but if I sign them and then we don't get approval then our family is homeless. I have stressed this to them many times and they don't seem to care. It's like they just want me off the phone or out of the premises. I am not being confrontational. I have been very respectful throughout this whole process. It's extremely stressful dealing with this.

I have called Dublin head office but they just transferred me to the local branch again.

Where do I go from here? Can I go over his head? I can't apply to another bank as EBS is the only bank that does this type of mortgage.

Any advice, please?
Sorry to hear that and I can only imagine how frustrating it must be if you need to make a decision on contracts. Can you meet with him personally to plead your case/bang the table?
I had a very similar experience with EBS summer, getting conflicting and often non-sensical advice, unreturned calls and emails. I eventually said sod it and applied elsewhere but actually, none of the banks/brokers I've dealt with seem all that interested in new mortgage business and six months in, I'm still back and forth without approval forthcoming. I get the sense that they are all on a wait and see approach with regard to interest rate rises etc.
Not much help I know, but just to reassure that it's not a one-off experience.
@maccers_85 That's insane and infuriating.

Does Haven often the type of mortgage you need?

Haven also have a reputation for being slow, but not as slow as the EBS story you've described!
Update: It turns out that the Athlone branch never forwarded my application so I am back to square 1.

I understand that there are other customers of the Athlone branch in the same boat.
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@maccers_85 That's insane and infuriating.

Does Haven often the type of mortgage you need?

Haven also have a reputation for being slow, but not as slow as the EBS story you've described!
Thanks Paul
You need to go to a mortgage broker and get a mortgage wherever you can at this stage.

Keep all your files and notes and make a complaint to the EBS and later to the Ombudsman.
